"for your love is more delightful than wine."
A person who drinks does so because of the way it makes them
feel. We love to feel good and a
glass of wine can help someone do that.
Although the feeling fades when the wine does. Love can also make someone feel really good. A sour, unkind person can turn
into a sweet, happy individual when they fall in love. It’s a sight to behold. But who wouldn’t?
What is more encouraging than to look into someone’s eyes
and see them looking at you with tenderness, admiration and respect? What is more restorative than to see in
someone else’s eyes their tremendous value and appreciation for who you
We often value ourselves based on what we see in the eyes of
others. If we see disappointment, kindness,
rejection, acceptance dislike, etc… it dictates how we feel about ourselves. This is shaky ground because the Lord
has made us unique and it changes based on the people we’re around. Culture’s solution is to tell us to
look within ourselves to find our value and worth. The only problem is that when we fail to do
something we know is right or we stumble in a big way, we know who we are and
again our self-respect crumbles. Still others
will try to find this love in a spouse.
But when familiarity and problems dull that look of love, disappointment
and frustration can set in. Our
only hope is a consistent looking into the eyes of another who look back at us
with respect, love and dignity. But
It is HIS eyes. This is the look of a perfect Father who while we were still
enemies, smiled on us with fierce love.
This is the look of a perfect Savior whose eyes on the cross see us with
joy because we’re worth His extraordinary suffering. This is the work of the Holy Spirit whose grace and patience
never ends as He makes us into who we are.
“Those who look to him are radiant” (Ps 34:5). Those who look to him are radiant.
It matters immensely how we see the Lord seeing us. If we look and see tenderness, dignity,
respect,appreciation, kindness, gracious, jealousy, fierceness, loyalty, mercy then we see
the love that secures us. Anything
less is a projection of a human authority onto Him. His love continually lifts us if we only look at him
looking at us. It's way better than wine because it never fades, even into eternity.
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