Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Holy and Blessed--Gen 2:2-3

When something is deemed "holy" it means it is 'set apart for something special and therefore treated differently.'  'Holy matrimony' means that two people come together and others are not allowed into the picture of intimacy.  Precious and rare diamonds are treated as holy.  They are 'set apart and treated special.'  But there's something else that is holy.

But before I get to what it is we now look at "blessed."  If holy were not enough, something now "blessed" means that it is something 'good with God's favor and pleasure' on it.

So if God deems something as "holy and blessed," it probably should be treated as such.  Why?  Because it is also for our blessing.

Herein comes the Sabbath.

I've been thinking lately that the Sabbath is hardly ever on my radar.  Yes, Sunday worship.  But the Sabbath, no.  I treat the Sabbath as just another day. 

Yet the Lord is serious about the Sabbath.  From the beginning of Scripture to the very end.  In the time of Jesus the Jews had made it stressful and not restful, so Jesus broke the paradigms.   But the Sabbath still mattered.

God wants to bless us.  Our burnt out bodies may be indicators that we're not taking advantage of those blessings.  Perhaps we've gotten a little too lose with the Sabbath and it's to reclaim it.

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